What is the excise warehouse?
We can provide for our customers also the excise warehouse which is licensed for storage of beer, wine and spirits. The purpose of an excise warehouse is to store selected excise goods there, without the obligation of the immediate payment of the consumer tax. The tax does not need to be paid until goods are released from the warehouse, on basis of the monthly tax report.
Beer, wine and spirits can be either shipped from our excise warehouse to another excise warehouse within EU or they can be exported out of EU. Furthermore, beer and wine can be also released to the free circulation. We provide our financial bond for the purposes of either excise storage or excise transports to or from our excise warehouse. In case of transports, we can issue or terminate eAD through the EMCS system.
Excise stamps management
For those clients who rent a space from us and establish their own excise warehouse for spirits there, we can provide sticking of their excise stamps onto bottles. We also collect the stamps from the customs house, we do the management of the stamps and we return the stamps back to the customs house, on behalf of a client. Sticking of excise stamps can be done only on the exact sticking areas which are monitored with CCTV connected on-line to the customs. In addition to excise stamps, we also do sticking of text labels onto bottles. Text labels can be delivered to us by a client or printed out by us.